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Calculators help investors to work out the possibilities and find out for themselves, if the chosen investment matches their investment goal. We have devised calculators like EMI, SIP, Insurance adequacy, Goal Calculators etc.

It is very common that one has to deal with LOAN for various purposes like buying a property, car loan, personal loan etc., Loan is an amount that is funded to the borrower at an interest rate for a term and with an agreed monthly payment to the lender over the course of several years , with an aim of retiring the loan. The calculator helps to know precisely how much money the borrower will need to pay toward the loan each month and helps to budget the monthly expenses accordingly.

Loan Calculator

Distant future may not be the priority and not nagging now. Despite the time and distance future will be here, before we like it. The future is full of financial responsibilities like going in for a house, children education, planning for a vacation, child marriage, and of course retirement.

Insurance Calculator

Distant future may not be the priority and not nagging now. Despite the time and distance future will be here, before we like it. The future is full of financial responsibilities like going in for a house, children education, planning for a vacation, child marriage, and of course retirement.

Distant future may not be the priority and not nagging now. Despite the time and distance future will be here, before we like it. The future is full of financial responsibilities like going in for a house, children education, planning for a vacation, child marriage, and of course retirement.

Goal Calculator

Distant future may not be the priority and not nagging now. Despite the time and distance future will be here, before we like it. The future is full of financial responsibilities like going in for a house, children education, planning for a vacation, child marriage, and of course retirement. Before we find ways to save money for future financial goals, one needs to know how far one can go with given monthly savings, returns, time to reach the goal, expected inflation etc. The goal calculator will tells exactly what is the future cost of the goal at assumed rate of inflation and how much one need to save as a one time investment or on monthly basis to get closer to the goal.

Time (and not timing) is the key for accumulation of wealth, the SIP calculator is a simple looking, yet an unique calculator to know what will be the value of regular savings invested over a period of time, earning a certain return. A systematic monthly investment of 3000 p.m invested over a period of 30 years earning a return of 12% per annum(monthly compounding) can become 1.05 crores while at a return of 24% per annum (monthly compounding) can become 19.07 crores. Power of compounding over long time period does the magic. Check out what will be the value of your monthly savings.

Plan Your SIP using calculator below